Why it Takes More Than Just Good Timing to Succeed in the Market

Some traders time the market, others look for signs to get the most bang for their buck. But what’s the best method? Both, says new research.

How Climate Disasters Impact Investment Decisions

Living through a climate-related disaster can be a harrowing experience for anyone. For professional money managers, it can even impact their investment decisions.

How Money Market Funds React to Crisis

How do U.S. money market funds respond to a crisis? New research explores what happened during the European debt crisis that spiraled when Greece required a bailout.

Do Institutional Investors Have An Edge on News?

Research finds no advantage, just superior skills for institutional investors when it comes to reading and reacting to news with stock trades.

A New Way To Predict Mutual Fund Returns

With so many mutual fund companies and so many pricing options out there, how should an investor choose?

The Upsides of Swimming in a Crowded Pool

Investors hate competition because it destroys firm value, but it also spreads the risk among many players when market demand falls.

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