Dean's Column

The Smith School was recently ranked #10 in the world for research by theFinancial Times, our fifth consecutive year in the top 15. We are world-renowned for our thought leadership.

Executive Profile: Ed Glabus

There is a lot Ed Glabus can’t tell you about his work. As executive vice president and chief administrative officer at ManTech International, a company that provides innovative technologies to the Department of Defense and the intelligence community for mission-critical national security programs, Glabus is part of a unique and very, very close-mouthed industry.

Featured Researchers

Gilad Chen, professor of management and organization, received his PhD from George Mason University.

Thought Leadership Breakfast Series

Join us for the ThoughtLeadership@Smith Breakfast Series. Smith faculty present their latest research on topics that matter to you and your organization. Each presentation is followed by an opportunity to network with alumni and regional business leaders at one of Smith’s convenient local campuses in Washington, D.C., or Baltimore, Md.

In Brief

Flight Delays Cost Passengers Billions Mike Ball, Orkand Corporation Professor of Management Science, associate dean of research, and co-director of the National Center of Excellence for Aviation Operations Research (NEXTOR), published a study showing that in 2007 passengers traveling by plane were delayed by more than 28,000 years, costing them $16.7 billion in lost time. In total, flight delays in the United States cost $32.9 billion each year.

Supply Chain Management Center

In today’s world, when consumers expect that the click of a mouse will result in a package arriving at their doorsteps the next day, the pressure on supply chains to run efficiently is rapidly increasing. Supply chains are much more than trucks, trains, and boats. Supply chain management has become a truly holistic business discipline, an end-to-end coordination process. It seeks to bring demand for goods and services into balance with supply, through companies cooperating and working together as a business ecosystem to serve a common customer base.

Public-Private Institutions in Emerging Markets

Research by Rafael Corredoira Government sponsored institutions (GSIs) in Argentina created a combination of new knowledge and interactive relationships for solving the wine industry’s product development problems.

Conference Calls for Merger Announcements

Research by Michael Kimbrough Conference calls around merger announcements help companies gain credibility and favorably influence stock prices, but only if your CEO is well-spoken and well-prepared. Investors react more favorably to conference calls because they allow managers to provide more information and directly address investor’s questions and concerns.

Predicting—and Preventing—Turnover

Research by Gilad Chen Changes in job satisfaction are a good predictor of an employee’s turnover intentions.

Research@Smith: Spring 2011

Predicting—and Preventing—Turnover Research by Gilad Chen Changes in job satisfaction are a good predictor of an employee’s turnover intentions. Conference Calls for Merger Announcements  Research by Michael Kimbrough Conference calls around merger announcements help companies gain credibility and favorably influence stock prices, but only if your CEO is well-spoken and well-prepared.

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