Smith Profiles
Student Profile
Undergrad Shares Her One-of-a-Kind UMD Experience
Helen Feng ’24
Being a Maryland Terrapin is something that runs in the family for Helen Feng ’24. But as a business marketing and studio art double major at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business, Feng is making the most of her own experience.
Alumni Profile
Zig Zagging A Path to Success in Tech
Meredith LaBonte ’01
“I recently became familiar with some new language in the people and HR space called a zig-zag career.” Meredith LaBonte, Vice President of Corporate Business Solutions at Novant Health Digital Products and Services, thinks she’s a pretty good example of it.
Alumni Profile
Leading Digital Transformation as a ‘Velvet Hammer’
Carol Houle ’93
There’s a book entitled “The Velvet Hammer” that describes the moniker of a woman who gets things done and done well by leading with grace and eloquence. Author Elaine Allison says this woman has let go of trying to make what works for her male counterparts work for her.
Alumni Profile
Planting Deep Roots
Lisa Kidd Hunt ’97
Lisa Kidd Hunt didn’t exactly leave Smith after graduating with her bachelor’s degree in finance. Not in a Matthew Mcconaughey à la “Dazed & Confused” kind of way, but she’s the kind of person who sticks around, cultivating the relationships and roots she’s planted.
Alumni Profile
Taking Risks and Finding Professional Success
Neal Shear ’76
Want to know how to climb the corporate ladder? Bet on yourself and take risks early in your career, says Neal Shear ’76.
Alumni Profile
Motivating the Next Generation of Women In Tech
Kendall Holbrook, MBA ’01
As an African American woman CEO and working mother – in information technology, an area heavily dominated by men - Holbrook understands the weight of her words. One thing she’s learned is that “companies and clients are really all about people.”
Student Profile
A Return to Smith to Broaden Horizons
Alejandro Smith ’18, MBA ’23
For Alejandro Smith ’18, MBA ’23, broadening his horizons has always been at the core of his decisions.
Student Profile
Listening to Fellow Students’ Needs
Ayelette Halbfinger ’23
It was September 2021 and Ayelette Halbfinger ’23, was struggling.
Student Profile
Torn Between Two Countries at War With Each Other, While Earning a Master’s at Smith
Ksenia Popovich, MS in Quantitative Finance ’23
“I feel like for a human being, it’s really hard to be in the middle.” That’s what Ksenia Popovich says about being a Russian citizen of Ukrainian descent, as a war between the two countries continues.
Student Profile
Smith Undergrad is Racing to Success on Social Media
Oscar Casasola ’24
Oscar Casasola ’24 is working toward obtaining his finance, marketing and management degrees, but his career as a social media influencer is already off to the races.