Brand Reputations Rise and Fall. Managers Can Watch It in Real Time.
New research uses AI-based text analysis tool to track how a brand’s reputation rises or falls, moment by moment, on brand-related events.
Are Paid Mobile Apps Still A Thing … And Should They Be?
New research has a message for app developers: Don’t rule out introducing a paid app just because it seems like the industry is swamped by free ones.
Maryland Smith Researchers Receive Journal of Marketing Award
Maryland Smith's Xian Gu, P.K. Kannan and Liye Ma, have been selected as a finalist for the 2018 Marketing Science Institute/H. Paul Root Award for their research paper, "Selling the Premium in Freemium." The award is given to a paper published in the Journal of Marketing that has made a significant contribution to the advancement of the practice of marketing in a calendar year.
Kannan's Paper Selected for Journal of Marketing Award
P.K. Kannan's paper, “The Informational Value of Social Tagging Networks,” has been selected as a finalist for the 2019 Sheth Foundation/Journal of Marketing Award. This award honors the best article published in the Journal of Marketing that has made long-term contributions to the field of marketing. An article will be eligible for consideration to receive this award in the fifth year after its publication.
Why Purchases Aren’t Made Alone Anymore
With so many choices to make throughout the customer journey, people are turning to their “traveling companions” for guidance, says new research.
How To Make the Most of Online Reviews
New award-winning research explains how consumers use online reviews and how marketers can make the most of them.
What Alexa and Twitter Can Tell Marketers
There’s a lot marketers can learn from the text we create on social media. New research explains how.
Crowdsourcing for Ideas? Do This.
Research explores how companies can structure innovation tournaments to drive meaningful results.
Can Robots Create Better Movie Trailers?
Maryland Smith's Michel Wedel has helped produce the first known research that develops a model for editing trailers to produce short — and effective — promo clips.
Decoding the Way Social Media Makes Us Shop
"It's unclear whether presence in social media and the traffic that companies get through social media are actually doing well in the storefront," the researchers explain.