My Smith Experience

Make Lifelong Connections

Evan Shields
University of Maryland, College Park, Robert H. Smith School of Business
MBA Graduation Year: 2019

I decided to get my MBA because I wanted to take my career to the next level. I knew that an MBA program would give me the skills needed to develop into a business leader. Smith was the right choice for me because they have world-class professors and a tight-knit community. I knew that attending Smith would also allow me to build strong relationships with my peers which is one of the most valuable aspects of business school.

I have too many favorite courses to list! I will say the few that stood out for me were Marketing with Professor Godes, Strategy with Professor Prochno, Process Improvement with Humberto Coronado, Valuations with Prof. Bustamante, Leadership with Neta Moye, and Accounting with Rebecca Hann.

Smith was the right choice for me because they have world-class professors and a tight-knit community. I knew that attending Smith would also allow me to build strong relationships with my peers which is one of the most valuable aspects of business school.

Evan Shields (MBA ’19)

I believe the part of the program that had the most impact on me was going away to my internship and actually seeing all that we were learning in school was not only applicable to my employer but helped me stand out–this was a full-circle moment in my journey.

My classmates were great. I still keep in touch with many of them almost three years later and have been able to leverage them for connections and even help when I encounter challenges that require sound advice.

The type of person that will find Smith most valuable is anyone that is ready to take their career and personal growth to the next level. Smith challenges you every day to “get uncomfortable” and do a lot of self-inventory/reflection which is needed in any meaningful transformation.

I would definitely recommend Smith to others. This program has professors with both real-world and academic experience to provide meaningful guidance. Because of the program, I am better prepared to analyze and decipher business challenges from a holistic business viewpoint. I now have the tools to lead teams, provide feedback, and collaborate and drive data-driven decisions. Finally, the network that you build at Smith is priceless and the tools that you gain will help you blossom in your career.


Questions? Contact the MBA & Business Master's Admissions Office at 301-405-2559 or

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