Smith Profiles

Alumni Profile

Telling Stories, With Boundaryless Thinking

Kristin Fallon, MBA ’11

A global mindset is essential for success in an increasingly interconnected world. For Kristin Fallon '11, that means developing boundaryless thinking, with no set geographical reference. “It is about thinking outside of your immediate world and really accounting for the world at large.

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Alumni Profile

From Retail Banking to Jewelry Business

Heather Maier, MBA ’91

Heather Maier, MBA ’91, has always had a creative and business-oriented mind. Her interests in design and art were balanced with her skills in math and finance. And now, her year-old business, Hedy’s Gems, combines all of these.

Read More About Heather Maier

Alumni Profile

Getting to the Story Behind Tax Season

Charlotte Cullen, MS Accounting 2019

When Charlotte Cullen graduated from Maryland Smith in December 2019, she did so at the perfect moment – the prelude to tax season.

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Alumni Profile

Bringing Big Data to the Classroom

Ravi Pandey, MS in Information Systems 2016

When students enroll in the Advanced R Workshop, they will be taught by someone who stood in their shoes before them.

Read More About Ravi Pandey

Alumni Profile

Making Connections Through Storytelling – and Finding a Career

For Nick Gardner ’18, a marketing degree was the perfect opportunity to pursue two of his passions: storytelling and connecting with others.

Read More About Nick Gardner

Alumni Profile

Coming Full Circle At NPR

Meg Goldthwaite, MBA ’96

For Meg Goldthwaite, MBA ’96, taking on the chief marketing officer role at National Public Radio, one of the country’s most trusted news organizations, was like coming full circle in what she calls a serendipitous career journey. Journalism is where it all started.

Read More About Meg Goldthwaite

Faculty Profile

Merging Computer Science and Business

Louiqa Raschid, Decision, Operations and Information Technologies (Faculty)

What does computer science have to do with business school? A lot, says Louiqa Raschid, professor of information systems at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business.

Read More About Louiqa Raschid

Alumni Profile

Relationship Building Doesn't Always Come Easy

Larry Legates, MBA '04

For senior global trade compliance manager, Larry Legates, MBA ’04, developing a global mindset goes far beyond the workplace. Legates studied abroad in Spain, Chile, and Mexico.

Read More About Larry Legates

Faculty Profile

Driven To Make a Difference

Ritu Agarwal’s career in academia is more than a job. To her, it’s a calling and a chance to make a positive impact on the world.

Read More About Ritu Agarwal

Alumni Profile

Creating an App To Get Millennials Giving

The problem, says Rachel Epstein Klausner ’11, isn’t that she wasn’t giving to charity, the problem was her giving habits.

Read More About Rachel Epstein Klausner

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