Lucas’ ‘Higher Ed Disruption’ Work Republished
World Scientific, an international publisher which specializes in texts adopted by the likes of Harvard and Stanford universities, has just released “Technology and the Disruption of Higher Education”–based on Professor Henry C. Lucas, Jr.’s recently self-published book.
10 Business Books for your Summer Reading
The University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business is excited to announce some favorite books in the "13th Annual Top-10 Summer Reading List for Business Leaders" for 2016, as recommended by members of its faculty and administrators.
A Wake-up Call for Higher Education
College leaders need to act more quickly if they don't want to be swept aside by emerging technologies, Smith School professor Henry C. Lucas Jr. argues in a new book. Lucas is both a participant in and analyst of the online education revolution. He created the Smith School's first massive open online course (MOOC) on disruptive technologies, and he has taught in the school's online MBA program from the start.
The Disruption of Higher Education
Are today's colleges going the way of Blockbuster after the rise of Netflix and streaming video? Things might not be quite so dire. But university leaders need to act quickly to take advantage of emerging technologies. In this edition of Smith Business Close-Up with the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business, Henry Lucas talks about disruptive technologies and how they are impacting higher education.
Five Keys for a World-Class B-School
SMITH BRAIN TRUST -- Challenges to business schools fall into five universal categories. “Any business school that aspires to become world class and contribute meaningfully to all its stakeholders” needs to address “leadership, execution, analytics, discipline and serving a broader set of stakeholders genuinely and rigorously,” professors at the University of Maryland’s Robert H.
The 'Disruption' of Higher Education
SMITH BRAIN TRUST — Are today's colleges going the way of Blockbuster after the rise of Netflix and streaming video? Things might not be quite so dire. But Henry C. Lucas, Jr., chair of the Department of Decision, Operations and Information Technologies at the University of Maryland's Robert H.
10 Cool Things That Drones Already Do
SMITH BRAIN TRUST -- Imagine living on a remote German island in the North Sea. When you need medicine, an autonomous drone flies more than seven miles from the Continent to deliver it. Is this some futurist scene based on rosy projections in a PowerPoint presentation for potential angel investors? Nah. It’s already being done by DHL — in field tests that would be restricted in the United States.
Eight Hard Lessons from Disruption
Despite Naysayers, Framework Provides Useful Guidance By Henry C. Lucas, Jr.
UMD Experts Available to Comment on Delivery Drones Tech Progress, Viability and as Market Disruptor
Media Advisory COLLEGE, PARK, Md. -- Though Google and Amazon, among others, have begun testing delivery drones, they are at least five years from launching. Business and engineering experts (below) at the University of Maryland are available to expand on their following comments. They say:
Smith Business Close-Up: Disruptive Technologies in the Year Ahead
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2014, 7:30 p.m. | Sunday, March 2, 2014, 7:30 a.m. As technology constantly evolves, so do many industries – often because they are forced to. Businesses that fail to adapt to disruptive technologies often don’t survive. One industry that is seeing the impact of technology in the digital age is education.