Jingwen Yang Directory Page

Jingwen Yang
PhD Candidate in Accounting & Information Assurance
Master of Accounting, University of Michigan
Jingwen Yang is a fifth-year PhD candidate at the Smith School of Business. She earned her Master of Accounting from the University of Michigan. Before returning to graduate school for her doctoral study, Yang worked as a consultant at PwC. Yang's research focuses on the real effects of voluntary disclosures, skills and economic roles of auditors and accountants, and the intersection between accounting and labor economics.
Selected Research
“Labor Market Returns to Audit Experience: Leaps and Bounds or Snail’s Pace?” sole-authored, 2024.
“Disclosing Work-From-Home Flexibility to Compete for Talent? Evidence from Job Postings” with Charles Ham, Rebecca Hann, and Wenfeng Wang, 2024.
“Do Firms Learn about the External Environment through their Auditors' Client Exposures?” with Michael Kimbrough, 2024.
“The Price of an Accountant Shortage: Evidence from Job Vacancy Duration and Internal Control Weaknesses” with Rebecca Hann and Yue Zheng, 2023.
"Honing Versatile Skills Through Auditing? Evidence from Employer-Employee Matches" sole-authored, 2024.
“Show Me the Money! The Role of Salary Disclosure in the AI Labor Market” with Il-Horn Hann, Rebecca Hann, Sung Hyun Kwon, 2024.
“Tech Directors and Firm Innovation: Benefits, Costs, and Copycats” with Anna Brown, Jin Choi, and Emanuel Zur, 2024.

Smith Researchers Find Peer Pressure Among Companies Determines Firms’ Work-From-Home Strategy